Fen Bridge – Update 2022

The bridge was finally removed by Suffolk County Council in January 2022. It had been closed since April/May 2020 because the structure was unsafe (see news item) so the footpath and navigation were temporaily closed.

Temporary portage points were installed to enable small craft a means of being able to continue along the navigation without passing under the bridge which was deemed liable to collapse (see news item). However, this was not a solution for larger craft, such as our trip boats, meaning our craft we could not offer our trips on this stretch of the river.

Its removal in January 2022 (see EADT article) means all craft can cruise along this stretch without the need to portage. We have been made aware that the intention is to install its replacement later this year in September but we await further details.

In the meantime, Trusty and Maria Constable, are due to be relaunched within the next few weeks and we look forward to welcoming visitors aboard.

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